To The Pointwith Boris Bozic
Commentary, Opinions, Thoughts and Discussion on Current Events, Politics and The Mortgage Industry

1 Comments Where Did Half The Year Go?

Article written by on the 29 Jun 2012 in Merix Financial

“My goal since day one was to create a company whose employees would be recognized as being the best in the industry.”

In some ways I find it difficult to believe that we’ve hit the six month mark already.  Yet, on the other hand it feels like a year’s worth activities have taken place in the first six months of 2012.  As an industry we have had to deal with the constant media attacks.  Personally, as CAAMP Chair, regulatory issues and media distortions have been at the forefront for me day in and day out.  Just when you think there might be a reprieve, or at the very least seventy two hours of tranquility, BAM!  Something happens.  It’s been that kind of year.

A sure sign for me that the first six months of the year is now visible in my review mirror is the mid-year Merix Sales Conference.  We just completed our seventh annual conference, and if truth be told I think I get as much out of the conference that our employees do.  I was a tad concerned that fatigue might get in the way of providing the right level of energy for our employees.  Since mid-May I’ve traveled to Australia, Poland and now San Francisco for the Merix Sales Conference.  All wonderful experiences but getting there (wherever there might be) and back is a little draining.   So, I inhaled a little extra high octane coffee and got on with it, and after the first day no artificial stimulants were required to manufacture energy levels.  The Merix employees provided that for me with their level of engagement and appreciation during the sales conference. I always marvel at how prepared our employees are when they come to the conference.  All pre-work is completed and there are no wallflowers.  They want to learn, they want to improve their skill sets and they want to enjoy the experience.  A big thank you to Genworth for participating, and for the educational content they provided.

My goal since day one was to create a company whose employees would be recognized as being the best in the industry.  Setting aside my rose coloured glasses for a moment, bar none the Merix sales team and support staff is a cut above.  I take great pride in their results but even greater pride in the way they conduct themselves professionally.  They will never do anything to embarrass the company. They treat their customers, be it dogers vs giantsborrowers or brokers, with professional courtesy and respect.  A way for an organization to ingrain that principal is simple; you treat your employees that way.  If you treat your employees with respect, dignity and courtesy, the odds are good they will do the same for their customers.  The purpose of our sales conference is to educate, refocus and get prepared for the second half of the year, and to remember a moment in time.  For the team it was remembering the sessions during the day, the excursion to Alcatraz, taking in the Giants versus Dodgers ball game, visiting wineries in Sonoma, and officially ending the conference with a team dinner in the most exquisite surroundings.  After dinner I walked out of the cave, dinner was actually served in a man-made cave at the winery, to enjoy a cigar.  I stood there by myself and took great pleasure at the sound of laughter coming from the cave.  These people truly like each other, and they all want each other to succeed.  From where I sit that’s an organizational badge of honour.  

On behalf of all of us at Merix, enjoy the summer.

Until next time


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    "I work in a world of numbers, process, execution, risk mitigation and all kinds of other sexy stuff. To share my thoughts, opinions and personal tidbits does have some creative appeal for me. It will also push me to do something that I am not totally comfortable with, writing. Get me in front of a room full of people to do a presentation and I'm on. Writing a story that others may actually be interested in reading sounds like a challenge to me. The reality is that I enjoy a good challenge and if it ends up that mom is the only reader of my blog so be it."

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