As you read this blog I’m sure you’ve noticed some changes. The look and feel of the blog has been completely revamped. A decision was made a few months ago to give the blog a face-lift. Why? That’s what happens when the person who manages the functionality of the blog, and was responsible for the creation of the blog in the first place, is a perfectionist. So if you like the look, it’s all Leeanne O’Brien, our Social Media and Communications Specialist. If you don’t like the look, it’s all my fault.
This blogging thing has taken me by surprise. I’ve been at it now for four months, and in that time the blog has had more than 16,000 views. I find that number staggering. I was convinced that when I went down this path that my mom, and my staff (who I pay), would be the only regular readers. It appears that interest in the blog reaches beyond the Bozic household. So to those of you who read the blog, including family members or individuals on the Merix payroll, my sincerest thanks. As I stated in my first blog, writing is not something that comes naturally to me. I feel more comfortable using the spoken word rather than the written word. When you speak to someone one-on-one or public speaking for that matter, you have many tools at your disposal. There’s facial expressions, body language and tone of voice. When you try to tell a story just by using words, well, there’s not many tricks at your disposal. You either convey a coherent message, in way which isn’t mind numbingly boring or you don’t. Not much wiggle room.
I would like to dispel a myth. A number of people have asked me, as well as Leeanne, do I have a “ghost writer?” The answer to the question is, no. There’s no point in blogging if you’re going to hide behind someone else’s words. Prior to starting the blog I did a little homework and research. The most interesting blogs I found are the ones that offer insight and an opinion. The blogs that just regurgitate the facts are, well, kaka. For those who know me know I’m not bashful when it comes to offering an opinion. If you ask…I’ll share.
I hope you continue to read to read the blog. Those of you have taken the time to comment, pinky swear I read them all. Moving forward you have my word I will never just mail it in. I would rather post the following; “Brain Cramp, Got Nothing” than put no thought into a post.
Until next time
Editors Note -
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