To The Pointwith Boris Bozic
Commentary, Opinions, Thoughts and Discussion on Current Events, Politics and The Mortgage Industry

0 Comments Chair of CAAMP – And So It Begins

Article written by Boris Bozic on the 25 Oct 2011 in CAAMP,Mortgage

“It is with great humility that I take on the role as the Chair of CAAMP.  It’s a responsibility that I do not take lightly.  The next 12 to 24 months are going to be “interesting” for our industry.”

boris bozic

Last week I officially took over the role as CAAMP Chair.  It’s an interesting process to go through.  I say that because I had 12 months to prepare, and when the day finally arrived it was almost anticlimactic.  Upon reflection I realized the difficult part was being elected Vice-Chair.  The Vice-Chair automatically becomes the Chair the following year, therefore, one has to campaign and be elected Vice-Chair.  No election is required to become Chair, and I have to tell you I will not miss campaigning.  But campaigning is an integral part of the process, and the most recent  election results were announced  last week at CAAMP’s AGM in Niagara Falls.

For all those who stood for election, your commitment to the process and willingness to serve is to be commended.  What stood out this year was the organized effort made by all the candidates, and the utilization of social media to get their message across.  Gone are the days where you can throw your name in a hat and hope that industry reputation alone will be enough to get you elected.  It’s work being elected.  I know from past experience that discipline and organization is required to get elected.  That’s a good thing because if one is prepared to go through that effort to get elected then the successful candidate will be serious about serving all the members. 

 When you look at the composition of this year’s board, I think you have to agree it’s a good representations of our industry.  Mortgage Brokers make up 60% of the board, (that includes active mortgage brokers and management of mortgage broker firms).  The lenders make up 24%, and insurers make up the balance.  All the significant stakeholders in our industry have a voice at the table.  This is critical to the strength of the association, and it ensures there’s a balanced a view when we discuss and make decisions about the issues we face.  CAAMP Conference Boris BozicI have had the great pleasure of being on the CAAMP Board for the past 4 years.  What’s always impressed at the board meetings is that every board member has put their self-interest aside for the greater good.  Vigorous debate is good, doing what’s right is a must.

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank a few people for all their assistance over the last four years.  To Jim Murphy, and all the staff at CAAMP, thank you for your support.  I especially want to thank you for all your patience when I asked really dumb questions.  You’re always quick with an answer, and a guiding hand.  To the now Past-Chair, Joe Pinheiro, my responsibility on the Executive board was to work at the pleasure of the Chair, and I have to say it was a pleasure to work with Joe on the Executive.  To Hali Strandlund, thank you for convincing me to run again after my first term.  If truth be told I wasn’t sure if I had another campaign in me.  Hali called me and said she wanted me on her executive.  She gave a great deal of thought to succession planning, and she convinced me that continuity at the Executive level was important to the association.  To Joe and Hali, thank you!

It is with great humility that I take on the role as the Chair of CAAMP.  It’s a responsibility that I do not take lightly.  The next 12 to 24 months are going to be “interesting” for our industry.  I’m looking forward to working with the new board, and soon to be elected Executive.  I’m also looking forward to getting feedback from CAAMP members, and I would also encourage members to volunteer and serve.   To all I say this, confrontation garners headlines, cooperation garners results.

 Until next time,


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