To The Pointwith Boris Bozic
Commentary, Opinions, Thoughts and Discussion on Current Events, Politics and The Mortgage Industry

0 Comments Pożegnanie Polska – Goodbye Poland

Article written by Boris Bozic on the 19 Jun 2012 in Euro 2012

It’s time to say goodby to Poland, and head back to reality.  I write this blog in advance of the final game which took place last night.  By the time this blog is posted our traveling party will be on a plane heading to Germany to catch our connection to Toronto.  The whole purpose of this trip was to capture memories with family and and friends.  The soccer games we attended was a mere instrument to that end and the games provided some unforgettable memories.  Some good, and some sporting memories which would be best served staying in Poland.

What I’ll remember is the laughter, the excitement, experiencing a different culture and acquiring a taste for Polish beer.  When a pint of beer costs less than bottled water you left with no choice but to do the math and come to the conclusion, “what else could we do”?  What stands if for me is that my dad is real champ. At the age of 75 he hung in with us like a real trooper.  At the games, the outdoor cafe’s and of course the pub’s.  Never once did he complain, and every time we asked him if he was okay his answer was, ‘let’s go”.  My brother, who loves capturing images of, well, everything.  Here’s a picture of us getting into the cab, here’s a picture of us in the cab, and here’s a picture of us getting out of the cab.   He had a blast and provided many a funny moment.  Our Irish traveling companion, who has an uncanny knack for languages, was our official translator in Poland.  Sure we took some extra long cab rides because Polish isn’t his first language but eventually he always got us back to the hotel. For his sake I hope his team did well on Monday night, it would be a nice way for him to end the trip.

It was a blast but reality awaits.  From weak economic news to OSFI rules and everything in between.  It’s good to be home.

Until next time,


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    "I work in a world of numbers, process, execution, risk mitigation and all kinds of other sexy stuff. To share my thoughts, opinions and personal tidbits does have some creative appeal for me. It will also push me to do something that I am not totally comfortable with, writing. Get me in front of a room full of people to do a presentation and I'm on. Writing a story that others may actually be interested in reading sounds like a challenge to me. The reality is that I enjoy a good challenge and if it ends up that mom is the only reader of my blog so be it."

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