To The Pointwith Boris Bozic
Commentary, Opinions, Thoughts and Discussion on Current Events, Politics and The Mortgage Industry

2 Comments Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

Article written by Boris Bozic on the 22 Dec 2011 in Personal

Well men, it almost that time of year to start thinking about Christmas shopping.  There’s still plenty of time left so there’s no need to be concerned.  The calendar gods are working in our favour because Saturday is Christmas Eve Day.  That’s a few extra hours of shopping if you’re starting your Christmas shopping on the 24th.  Trust me, the 24th is a great day to shop.  The malls are not as busy and it’s only men in the stores, and they’re on a search and destroy mission.  The good news is that there’s fewer items left, thus your options are limited, which means your head won’t explode trying to decide what to buy. 

If you’re fortunate enough to be married to a serial Christmas shopper, you’re in luck.  She’ll put your name on every card, and when family members are opening their gifts you’ll be saying to yourself…”I wonder what I got them”.  The family member will thank you for your thoughtfulness, and you’ll actually have the nerve to say, “don’t mention it…it was nothing”.  This is the point where you dare not look at your spouse.  Keep your eyes forward with that big stupid smile on your face. 

Speaking of your spouse, for men it’s the most important gift they’ll buy.  The problem for men is that the practical side of their brain has a tendency to take over when it comes to buying gifts.  For example, some men believe buying their spouse a gift at Canadian Tire is good idea.  An emergency kit for the trunk of her car, as well booster cables in the event she loses the number to road side assistance, is practical.  But it doesn’t promote longer life expectancy.   Gentlemen, I know it’s difficult coming up with gift ideas, especially if no hints or clues have been given.  The statement “it’s the thought that counts” is rubbish.  Unless it’s a really, really, really big thought.  So, many brain cells are going to destroyed over the next few days trying to come up with the right gift to buy.  What minimizes the brain cell damage for me is this, when practicality starts to take over I ask myself the following question, “would I be able to find an emergency kit for her car, booster cables or a pan designed to make crepes at a Louis Vuitton store?”  If the answer’s no, I keep looking.

This is my last blog until the New Year.  To you and yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.   Here’s to a great 2012.   Be safe.

Until next time



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Move over men – you’re not the only ones in the mall on the 24th …. I also find myself shoping at the last minute but it has become a tradition for the reasons Boris mentions…. However I also get the opportunity to help my fellow last minute shoppers with their selections as I am bombarded with questions …. “do you like this color?” …. “does this smell good to you?” …. “would you be happy to receive this gift?” …. and my personal favorite “what size are you?” …. But if I can help one poor soul get it right this Christmas, then it’s worth the interuption to my own shopping …. And I say a little prayer that somewhere in a jewelry store not that far away another woman with exquisite taste is helping my husband with his last minute shopping! Merry Christmas everyone!

Geoff Charkow @Twitter ID Website Reply

And to echo Boris’s comments about Louis Vuitton…GUYS makes sure you are buying the real McCoy. The ladies that can sniff out a fake stuff a mile away.

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    "I work in a world of numbers, process, execution, risk mitigation and all kinds of other sexy stuff. To share my thoughts, opinions and personal tidbits does have some creative appeal for me. It will also push me to do something that I am not totally comfortable with, writing. Get me in front of a room full of people to do a presentation and I'm on. Writing a story that others may actually be interested in reading sounds like a challenge to me. The reality is that I enjoy a good challenge and if it ends up that mom is the only reader of my blog so be it."

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