To The Pointwith Boris Bozic
Commentary, Opinions, Thoughts and Discussion on Current Events, Politics and The Mortgage Industry

2 Comments Merry Christmas

Article written by Boris Bozic on the 21 Dec 2012 in Personal

I would like to extend a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you and your family.  This is the time of year to reflect on how fortunate we are, and  to spend time with family.  That’s exactly what I’ll be doing over the next few weeks.  It’s been an extraordinarily busy year and in some ways I wish I could invent a few extra months and add it to 2012 so I can milk it for all I can.   Alas, not possible so it’s time to focus on 2013, and that’s when I’ll start blogging again.

To all of you who take the time to read my blog, I can’t tell you how humbled I am that you would do so.  I hope in some small way I was able to inform, possibly entertain but more importantly connect.  Thank you so much, and here’s to a great 2013.

I leave you with what I believe are two classic Christmas songs.  I never get tired listening to them.


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Gord Dahlen @Twitter ID Website Reply

Merry Christmas Boris ,
To you and yours ! Thanks for your authenticity and your sincerity and for never pulling any punches ! Here’s to a tremendous 2013 for our channel and for all .

Debra Parker @Twitter ID Website Reply

Merry Christmas to you and your family Boris,

I always try to check out your blog and enjoy it very much it sometimes takes me a couple days to get to it but I always leave it in my in box until I have at least scanned through it. Please keep doing them.

Debra Parker AMP

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    "I work in a world of numbers, process, execution, risk mitigation and all kinds of other sexy stuff. To share my thoughts, opinions and personal tidbits does have some creative appeal for me. It will also push me to do something that I am not totally comfortable with, writing. Get me in front of a room full of people to do a presentation and I'm on. Writing a story that others may actually be interested in reading sounds like a challenge to me. The reality is that I enjoy a good challenge and if it ends up that mom is the only reader of my blog so be it."

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