To The Pointwith Boris Bozic
Commentary, Opinions, Thoughts and Discussion on Current Events, Politics and The Mortgage Industry

1 Comments Political Uncertainty – Too Distracted To Notice

Article written by Boris Bozic on the 04 Sep 2012 in Canada,Current Events

The dog days of summer are over and now it’s back to normal.  The kids are back to school; you can always tell because the traffic is bigger mess than usual driving to and from work.  The distractions that come along with summer will be in the review mirror and reality will soon hit us in the face like a cold glass of water.

 For many who have tuned out over the last few months there’s a significant election taking place today in Quebec and depending on the results we could all end up feeling the aftershocks.  If the polls are correct the Parti Québécois, led by Pauline Marois, could control the leavers of power.  Just like the movie Groundhog Day, we’ve all seen this before.  Ms. Marois has made it clear that if her party is successful their demands will be clearly articulated in short order, with the ultimate objective being sovereignty.  Could this mean another referendum in Quebec? Possibly. Even if a referendum does not come to pass the mere threat of one will have an impact on the economy.  Canada is viewed as safe haven to invest and one of the main reasons for that is our political stability.  A referendum debate is a sure fire way to shake investor confidence. 

Another election looming is in B.C. The Provincial Liberals are being savaged in the polls.  Caucus members are fleeing for the exits with such speed that Usain Bolt would have to take notice.  Premier Christie Clark is taking much of the heat for the exodus and for the state of her party.  I find it interesting that B.C. has been the envy for many in our country, yet locals have grown restless.  Change is in the air and the polls indicate the NDP will once again rule.  I actually resided in Vancouver when the NDP were last in power, I can honestly say my memory of them has faded somewhat.  What I do remember is that the leaders of that party were either convicted of a crime or came under RCMP investigation. The past has a way of repeating itself, and if it does in B.C., hello headlines and uncertainty.

Here in Ontario the Premier is talking tough and taking to all the special interest groups that the Liberals have catered too to get elected.  Massive debt, unemployment levels higher than the national average are at the forefront for Ontario.  The question for the Provincial Liberal is how long will their cousins to the left prop them up. As usual in politics the polls will determine when the Liberals fall, meaning yet another election in Ontario.  So, there’s political uncertainty in Quebec, BC and Ontario.  Three key provinces will be in the news with regularity.  Like or not we’ll have no choice but to pay attention.  Summer is over and the political silly season is about to commence.  Depending what happens we could all be in for a bumpy ride.


Until next time,






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