Sure, many were back to work on the 4th of January, but in our industry things get back to “normal” the second week of January. So, here we are. Like most people, I believe that what’s ahead will be better than the journey just travelled. However, to be totally candid, 2015 was a very good year for me. On all fronts, be it personal or professional. Having a better year will be a challenge, but that’s life. You push, you strive, and you never settle. Frame of mind is critical, and over the last six months I’ve been working on just that.
Not to get all Tony Robbins on you, “awake the giant within…love yourself…blah, blah, blah”, your state of mind plays an import part of all your outcomes. We all have to fight against a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think it sucks, it may not actually suck, but it will eventually suck. In this day and age it can be challenge to stay positive. We are constantly bombarded with predictions of doom and gloom. Take this week for an example, the Canadian dollar dipped below 70 cents U.S., and a very respected economist is predicting it could drop to 59 cents U.S. And as every info-commercial says, “but wait, there’s more”. It’s now being suggested that oil could drop to $20 USD a barrel. All this in the second week of January. So, how does one pushback against all the white noise?
Here’s what I did. Firstly, I was finally honest with myself, and I admitted that I was an information and news junkie. I became obsessed, and needed my daily fix of bad news. Trust me; it’s not hard to find bad news. In today’s world it’s everywhere. It takes a lot more work today to dodge the bad news assault. Given the reality that we all live in an information world, I came to the conclusion that I had to change my information gathering habits. So no more Fox News, no CNN, and no MSNBC. I would actually turn to MSNBC, knowing full well that within minutes I would want to throw something at the screen. Like I said, I was addicted. Here’s another thing, no more talk radio in the car. Doesn’t matter if it’s sports or news. I came to the conclusions that on too many occasions I would arrive at work with a less than pleasant disposition. Why? Because I invited mindless babbling into my car, which more often than not would just piss me off. So things had to change. There’s no excuse for waltzing through life being willfully ignorant, but given that news is readily available everywhere, I decided that I would control when and where I received my news. The first real sign that my new approach was working was when someone asked me, “what do you think about David Price signing with the Boston Red Sox, and not the Toronto Blue Jays?” I was relieved that I didn’t even know it happened. Me, not knowing about something that happened in sports? That was big!
Here’s what else I did, I replaced information with music. I know that may sound schmaltzy, but it works. Truth be told my car played a major role in my musical listening pleasures. The car has a feature that when you push a button, and say play “artist and song”, it searches the net and finds the song. It also creates a custom radio station for me. For example, Rolling Stones Start Me Up radio station. From there it searches for songs from the same genre. If I don’t like the song it found, I press next. The cool thing about this is that it’s taken me out of my 70’s and 80’s musical time machine. I didn’t know there were so many new artists out there, well, at least new to me. Bands like O.A.R., James Morrison (not the old guy who sings like he’s got a mouth full of marbles) and Augustana. Really talented bands and I love the fact that our 14 year old is shocked that I know who they are.
This may not work for everyone, but I find that I’m in a better mood more often because I’m listening to more music, and not mindless chatter. I still get my fill of information, but in a much more condensed fashion. More importantly, I decide when I’m ready for the info download. My new approach doesn’t change the facts, and what’s happening around me. But it will no longer control me. Based on what’s happening in the real world, and how the year is starting off, I got my music cranked. I also customized a new radio station in my car, David Bowie Ashes to Ashes. Seemed appropriate.
Until next time.
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One of my highlights of the year takes place next week. We have the privilege of hosting our top supporters at the World Business Forum in New York City. This is will be the third year in a row that MERIX along with a number of our loyal supporters, gather to listen to successful people speak of their personal and business knowledge. My experience at this event is that there is always a “ah-ha” moment for me. There’s always a pearl that either provides me with clarity on a matter that I have struggled to properly articulate or a viewpoint that I never considered before. It’s funny what happens when you allow yourself to be a sponge and enjoy the process of being mentally stimulated.
After the first year of hosting our loyal supporters at this event, we surveyed them to gauge their satisfaction and value of attending. One of the questions we asked was, and I’m paraphrasing, “would you like MERIX to change events and location for their recognition awards trip?” The answer was a resounding NO! We were blown away by the response, but in retrospect we shouldn’t have been. For over a decade, Merix has gone to great efforts to establish that it is not the “party” brand. There’s nothing wrong that and I’m not passing judgement on what others do. It’s just not us. MERIX has always held onto the belief that the greatest gift we can give to our supporters is the gift of knowledge. Therefore, everything we do is based on that principal. This mind set clearly appeals to a number of our supporters, and they dispel the old theory that opposites attract. (more…)
Read More Add a CommentOver the last few weeks there’s been chatter in the industry about a lender in the mortgage space deciding to no longer offer trailer fees. The lender in question articulated their rationale for doing so, and it’s not for me to question their decision or pass judgement. Over the last two weeks I’ve been asked the following two questions, on a number of occasions. Firstly, what do I think about their decision? Secondly, are we contemplating the same? The answer to the first question is “Interesting, but I don’t really care”. The answer the second question, “Absolutely not”.
The notion that Merix might consider revisiting its core value proposition, and no longer offer trailer fees to mortgage brokers, would only come to pass if Merix decided to rip the soul out of the company. Trailer fees are a part of the Merix DNA. Trailer fees are what set Merix apart from its competitors. Merix is the pioneer of trailer fees. We can debate the economic merits of trailer fees versus being paid up front. But one thing that is not up for debate is the commitment Merix has to trailer fees. I’m not one to say “never”, but as I sit here today, in the role that I occupy, trailers are here to stay. (more…)
It’s been a few weeks since my last post and I thought it might be time to at least check in. It has been rather hectic over the last few weeks. Upon arriving home from our vacation, we were back on another plane in less than 24 hours for business purposes. There’s been a lot of hotels, managing dirty laundry on the road and embedding really bad eating habits. If I’m not careful, I’ll have to change the spelling of my name from Boris, to Borises.
I headed back to my old stomping grounds this week – Vancouver. DLC, Dominion Lending Centres, asked me to speak at their Owner’s Conference. When asked if I would participate, the answer was quick – absolutely! It’s a wonderful opportunity for me to meet with our customers and garner some insight into the cool and innovative things that DLC is doing. Gary Mauris, Chris Kayat and Jay Seabrook of DLC have been very supportive of Merix, and if I can make even a small contribution to the success of their conference, I do so with pleasure.
While in Vancouver, I was also pleased to be able to attend the 25th Anniversary Celebration of TMG, The Mortgage Group. Wow! I can’t believe how quickly time flies! This is a homecoming of sorts for me. Many, many moons ago, Grant and Debbie Thomas, Principal Owners of TMG, asked me to join their organization. I worked for Grant and Debbie for a number of years and upon reflection, my time with TMG played a very important role in my career development and career path. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity they gave me and even more grateful for the enduring friendship which ensued. Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary milestone!
Until next time.
Read More Add a CommentThat’s the title of a book I came across while wandering around an airport a few years ago. The title of the book was such a contradiction of my own personal belief that I was left with no choice but to pick up the book and read the overview inside the book jacket. I’m not sure if the author, Geoff Colvin, came up with the tittle or not. Whoever it was, kudos. It made me pick up the book, and eventually buy it. It’s an interesting and fairly simple read. The book is based on research, and Colvin’s interpretation of the data. His findings and conclusions are based on empirical data, and there is not a single suggestion that to be great at what you do is easy. On the contrary, Colvin concludes that to be great requires painstaking work and dedication.
The reason the book came to mind was because of the Masters Golf Tournament. Golf enthusiasts know that the Masters is being played this weekend, actually, Thursday through Sunday. The Masters is a unique tournament. Its mystique is unparalleled. Augusta National, where the Masters is played, is sacred soil for golfers. Golfers would pay a “stupid” sum of money for the privilege of playing that course, just once in a lifetime. It would be the ultimate bucket list experience. I’ve had the privilege of attending the Master’s on a few occasions. The first time I walked on the grounds I was mesmerized. It was one of those rare moments where you can say the experience was better than what you anticipated it would be. So, what does this have to do with a book entitled Talent Is Overrated? The author dedicated a chapter to Tiger Woods, who just happens to be playing at this year’s Masters golf tournament.
Tiger Woods is one of those rare athletes who transcends a sport. People who don’t even like golf know who Tiger Woods is. He is one of the most recognizable athletes in the world. Many people adore him, and many people dislike him. But there’s no denying that everyone has heard of him, and can recognize Tiger Woods. That’s a result of being a generational athlete, who is responsible for a transformational change of a sport. Some know him more for his personal shortcomings, which I could care less about, but everyone knows him because he was that damn good at his chosen profession. Colvin posed the question, “why was Tiger Woods that good?” Is it a God given talent? Does he possess a golf gene that no others have? How many times have we explained extraordinary results by simply saying, “he/she was born that way”. Colvin debunks that myth, and I think he’s on to something.
SPOILER ALERT – I’m going to share some of his findings so stop reading if you want to pick up the book and be surprised. Tiger Woods was programmed to be a golfer, specifically by his father. Earl Woods, Tigers father, served in the military. He did two tours in Vietnam, the second tour as a member of the United States Army Special Forces. In other words, a bad ass you didn’t want to mess with. He knew all about structure and discipline. He also had a teaching background. His background was the perfect for molding and programming his son to become one of the greatest golfers of all time. Example, when Tiger was an infant, his father would take him into the garage, put him in a high chair, and make him watch his golf swing for hours on end. Tiger’s father loved golf, and he was determined to make his son love the game even more. At four years of age Tiger and his father appeared on the Mike Douglas Show, a well-known TV Talk Show back in the day, to demonstrate his golfing prowess at such an early age. Tiger’s entire life was golf and school. Apparently the focus on education was his mother’s doing. Tiger was programmed to think, eat, drink and practice golf. Thousands and thousands of hours dedicated to hitting a little white ball. The dedication to practice, to sacrifice “normal” child experiences, created a golfing virtuoso. So is Tiger’s mastery of the sport nature or nurture? After reading Talent Is Overrated, I lean more towards nurture.
Everyone knows about Tiger’s personal challenges. Golf fans know that Tiger’s body is breaking down, and his age is becoming a factor. The hundreds of thousands of violent swings, which is the only I can describe Tiger’s golf swing, has to eventually take a toll. The golf world so badly wants Tiger to be Tiger of old. Everyone was surprised to see Tiger embracing other golfers on the practice range at this year’s Masters. Tiger joking around with the media, spending time with his children. Everyone is saying it’s a new Tiger Woods. The Tiger of old had little time for comradery, kibitzing with the press, and family was used as a prop. Can he ever win again with this new found attitude? I think it might be a matter of too little, too late. As the old saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. But perfect has a price.
Until Next Time.
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